Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Member of the Organizing Committees
  • Christian Barillot is member of the Board of Directors of IPMI conference series (Information Processing in Medical Imaging)

  • Gilles Edan did organized the 25th anniversary workshop of the "Société Française de Neurologie" in Rennes on Nov. 30th

Scientific Events Selection

Member of the Conference Program Committees
  • Christian Barillot was area chair of SPIE-MI and ISBI 2017

  • Emmanuel Caruyer was Program Committee member of the CDMRI MICCAI workshop.

  • ISBI (Emmanuel Caruyer, Olivier Commowick), ISMRM (Élise Bannier), MICCAI (Emmanuel Caruyer, Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot), IPMI (Olivier Commowick, Christian Barillot).


Member of the editorial boards
  • Christian Barillot is member of Editorial Boards of Medical Image Analysis, Current Medical Imaging Reviews, ISRN Signal Processing

  • Christian Barillot is Editor-in-Chief of Frontiers in ICT: Computer Image Analysis.

Reviewing Activities
  • Am J Neuroradiol (Élise Bannier), Comput Biol Med (Christian Barillot), Comput Meth Prog Bio (Christian Barillot), Front Neurosc (Pierre Maurel), Hum Brain Mapp (Emmanuel Caruyer), JMRI (Isabelle Corouge), IEEE TMI (Pierre Maurel, Olivier Commowick), Med Image Anal (Olivier Commowick), Med Phys (Christian Barillot) Neuroimage (Christian Barillot, Isabelle Corouge, Emmanuel Caruyer, Olivier Commowick), Pattern Recog Lett (Christian Barillot).

Leadership within the Scientific Community

  • Gilles Edan was elected Fellow of the European Academy of Neurologie. Member of the EAN teaching committee in 2015

  • Christian Barillot is member of the Scientific Council of the INS2I (http://csins2i.irisa.fr) Institute of CNRS since 2011 and is Chairman of the Board since 2015

  • Christian Barillot is member of the C3N committee (CNRS)

  • Christian Barillot is member of the scientific board of “GIS France Grilles”

  • Christian Barillot is member of the scientific board of the Neuroscience and psychiatry institute of AVIESAN

Scientific Expertise

  • Christian Barillot provided an expertise for the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)

  • Christian Barillot provided expertise for the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), the NSERC / CRSNG Canada, the Wellcome Trust (UK)

  • Christian Barillot provided an expertise for the KU Leuven, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada

  • Christian Barillot provided expertise for the Idex Université Grenoble Alpes

  • Emmanuel Caruyer provided expertise for the Inria Associate Team program.

Invited Talks

  • Emmanuel Caruyer gave an invited lecture, "Validating tractography pipelines: the help of simulated phantoms" during the 2017 School on Brain Connectomics, Oct. 9th-13th at the University of Verona, Italy.

  • Emmanuel Caruyer gave an invited lecture, "Validating tractography pipelines with the help of simulated phantoms" during the Computational Brain Connectivity Mapping winter school workshop, Nov. 20th-24th in Juan-les-Pins, France.

  • Yao Chi and Isabelle Corouge - "Infrastructures pour le traitement et la gestion de données d'imagerie biologique et médicale ", Gen2bio National congress, Nantes, March 2017